I take pleasure in taking this opportunity to serve SI Bangalore as its elected President for the next two years. My endeavour would be to focus on grassroots projects and help women and girls to achieve and enhance their individual as well as collective potential.
In line with the saying that “to educate a woman is to educate an entire generation”, I, with the support from all of you, would like to focus on Education, Training and Career support through Garima, good health and well-being, mental health support by Soham, gender equality advocacy and Environment.
We, as a team, will strive to achieve the mandated goals by collaborating with other like-minded organisations, people and other stakeholders at large. I would like to discuss with each of you to understand, learn about your insights and ideas to achieve this goal. I am confident that together we can build an impactful approach to bring in meaningful change and improvement in people’s lives. I am open for any discussion and look forward for your continuing support.