About Soroptimist International (SI)

Our Bangalore Club

Soroptimist International Bangalore (SIB) was born on 10th January 2004, through a charter from SIGBI. SIB is included in the 80G Section, so national donors can avail of tax exemption. 

The vibrant, dynamic service club engages in local projects with professional and business women, committed to women and girls  achieving individual and collective potential, realizing aspirations and giving a voice to the voiceless. SIB has friendship links with several global clubs, partnering with like-minded people and pooling diverse ideas, talents and resources to work together. 


Soroptimists inspire action and create opportunities through women’s global partnerships and networking for:

  • Advocating equity and equality;
  • Creating safe and healthy environments;
  • Increasing access to education;
  • Developing leadership and practical skills for a sustainable future


Soroptimists strive to transform lives and 

the status of women through:

  • Education;
  • Empowerment;
  • Enabling opportunities
  • Equal rights

Soroptimist International, our global body

Soroptimist International (www.soroptimistinternational.orgis a global organization that aims to give a voice to women through Awareness, Advocacy and Action. ‘Soroptimist’ is a Latin word that means “Best for Women”. It was founded in 1921 in USA. 

The global SI works in four tiers – International, Federation, Regional and Local levels. The four federations around the world are:

Today, with almost 100,000 members in more than 3,000 clubs in 129 countries around the world, SI enjoys General Consultative Status with the UN, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). 

Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI)

The Federation of Great Britain and Ireland comprises 355 clubs in 29 countries. It is spread over UK, Republic of Ireland, Africa, Asia, Caribbean Islands and Malta. 

Members are women of all ages, cultures and ethnic groups, who join their local clubs to give service to women and girls. Clubs are grouped into Regions (within the UK) and National Associations (countries with five clubs or more).

National Association of Soroptimist Clubs of India (NASI)

 The parent body of all the SI clubs in India is the National Association of Soroptimist International Clubs of India (NASI). It was formed in 1990 with Aroti Dutta as the first President. She is also the Federation Councillor. This administrative body links clubs in India to the Federation. However, SIB, like other clubs in India, is a part of the Great Britain and Ireland Federation. Hence, clubs in India are affiliated to SIGBI through NASI

Main Programme Focus areas of all the clubs:

  • Economic Empowerment,
  • Environmental Sustainability,
  • Food, Healthcare and Seccurity
  • Learning Opportunities
  • Violence and Conflict Resolution